


The Team

The News



 Sales Horses






-July 8-10, 2005  -

Kecia & DC, Siggi & Kando and Laurie went to the show at WEC on Whidbey Island.

Kecia & D.C. entered a total of 4 classes at First & Second Level.  Their rides resulted in two first, one second and one third place -  with achieving qualifying scores for the Championships in all of them.  

Siggi & Kando entered 3 classes at First & Second Level.  They came home with two first places and one second place, as well as qualifying scores in all of them.

Laurie, the proud owner of Kando, kicked all of our butts, keeping us on time, tidy and on track... THANK YOU Laurie!!! We could have not done it without you!!

CONGRATULATIONS to you two (from a German friend)


Jama & Sandra during their "Finding Mr. Right" journey

in Germany and Spain

Sandra, Carsten & Luna got a new family member!

Mr. Linus